The Signs of Successful Implantation

Implantation could be called as the time which takes place in early pregnancy. During this time, a cluster of rapidly dividing cells (blastocyst) begins to go down the fallopian tube and burrows into the lining of the uterus. Afterward, a newly hatched embryo starts delivering hormones that make your body ready for pregnancy. Implantation takes place about 8 to 9 days after fertilization. 

The common signs of implantation are tender breasts, spot bleeding, and many more. You will read further about more signs and symptoms of implantation.  


1. Cramps

The changing hormonal situation of your body causes cramping. As the fertilized egg implants and begins to grow, there’s a lot going on in your uterus. Hence, abdominal tenderness, lower back pain, or cramping are common during implantation. 


2. Discharge

Cervical mucus is normal during the time of implantation as during ovulation, your cervical mucus will be clear, stretchy, and slippery. In the days of early pregnancy, rising progesterone and estrogen may cause thickness in your mucus which is pretty normal during your implantation. 


3. Bloating

Rising progesterone can make you feel bloated at times. But as so many of us know, this feeling can be a really common symptom of your period, too. Want to know why? Progesterone also rises when your period is imminent. Thanks, hormones.


4. Tender breasts

After implantation, levels of hCG, estrogen, and progesterone all increase rapidly. This can cause your breast to feel very sore. While many women experience breast swelling or tenderness before their periods, this is likely to be more noticeable than usual in very early pregnancy.


5. Nausea

Increased levels of progesterone following implantation can make you feel nauseous. But again, this most commonly occurs around 4 or 5 weeks of pregnancy. Progesterone slows down your digestion, which can contribute to nausea. 


6. Mood swings

You may be experiencing mood swings during the time of your implantation. Estrogen and progesterone increase very quickly following implantation. This can make you feel “off” or moodier than usual.


These were the common signs and symptoms that you may experience in a successful Implantation. It is important to note that some might not feel many of these symptoms while others may feel all of these, depending on your body. 


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